Once you have QuickScrap installed and set up, you can start to use it!
QuickScrap will work on its own but it is nice to have either Apple's Scrapbook, or my ScrapIt Pro (see the description in the “Other Programs Available” chapter). QuickScrap will allow you to use any Scrapbook File (created with Apple's Scrapbook application), or any ScrapIt File which is in the System Folder or in the ScrapIt Folder (within the System Folder for ScrapIt Pro users).
You can set up “Hotkeys” to send data to a scrap file, create text and send it to a scrap file or retrieve data from a scrap file (see the “Hotkeys Dialog” chapter).
Sending data to a scrap file:
If you have the “Save Clip To File” option set for a “Hotkey”, the data on the clipboard will be sent to the scrap file. If you have the “Ask For Name” option checked, you will be asked to name the item before it's sent to the file (See Figure 3 below). From this dialog you can name the item or select a different scrap file to send it to by using the Popup menu in the upper right.
Figure 3 - Name Item Window
Creating text and sending it to a scrap file:
If you have the “Create Text/Save To File” option set for a “Hotkey”, you can type a note (up to 32,000 characters) and send it to a scrap file. When you first get into this window, the text from the clipboard will be displayed (See Figure 4 below) allowing you to edit the text. Standard editing keys work (Command-C, Command-V, Command-A, etc.) while editing text, use the Tab key to move between the text and the item name edit box.
Figure 4 - Text Entry Window
Using the QuickScrap Popup menu:
You can also send whatever data is already on the clipboard to any available scrap file by holding down the modifier key(s) you define (see Figure 1, The QuickScrap Window) and pressing and holding the down mouse button. You will get a menu similar to the one below (though with different files). Just select one of the file names in the menu and the data on the clipboard will be sent to that file, that's it!
Figure 5 - An Example QuickScrap Popup Menu
Getting an item from a scrap file:
If you have the “Copy From File” option set for a “Hotkey”, you can get an item from a scrap file at the touch of a key. Once you hit the “Hotkey”, you can view the data in two different ways, list view and gallery view (see Figures 6 and 7). While in list view, the items are in alphabetical order. While in gallery view, they are in the order they were entered into the scrap file.
Getting around the file in List view:
While in list view you can move from item to item with the mouse or with the arrow keys. You can also type the first character(s) of an item name to move to it.
Figure 6 - Get Scrap Item Window (in List View)
Getting around the file in Gallery view:
While in gallery view you can move from item to item with the mouse or with the arrow keys.
Figure 7 - Get Scrap Item Window (in Gallery View)
Copying an item:
You can copy an item by clicking the “Copy Only” button. If you click the “Copy & AutoPaste” button, the item will be copied and pasted into the current document you're working on.
Deleting an item:
You can remove an item by clicking the “Delete” button. Only use this if you're sure you want to remove the item, as it cannot be undone!